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DubTurbo Review – Urban Beat Production Software

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

                                           Blacklisted By Clickbank
                                                                       Buy at your own risk!!!
Dub Turbo is a software program that is basically a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), it features everything that you need to make killer rap beats, hot dance tunes, R&B tracks, you name it, you can do it with Dub Turbo!
So this software program caters to people that are looking for an easy and fast way to start making thier own beats & music, without the hassle of haivng to learn music theory, production in expensive schools, or have to invest in a huge studio.
That said, the software is powerful enough to be used in conjunction with a recording studio as well! Many users are studio owners, and they love taking beats/compositions from DUBturbo into their various other aps.

Here’s a look at how DUBturbo pairs intuitive ease of use with studio quality output for you,
taking away limitations that hold most people back, allowing you to create hot beats with little effort fast:
  • DT Sequencer – You’re Gonna Love It – Keyboard shortcuts everywhere so you can maneuver around the ap and produce FAST! Familiar panel layout to big DAW’s and production tools make this EASY to use, and easy to transition into other software later in your career. We also link you to our contests and submission section from this screen to keep you fresh.
  • DUBturbo BadAss Drum Machine Panel – EVERY Pad has a keyboard trigger assigned to it (going 1-10 (zero) moving up the keyboard) so you can bang in your beats on the keyboard you type on like you were on an MPC!
  • 4 Octave Wicked Sampling Keyboard Two octaves of the four are controlled by your keyboard (the one you type on), So you can play your melodies using keys, NO NEED FOR MIDI CONTROLLERS – This is standalone – and proud! You get everything here from pianos, to saxes, stabs, hiphop hits, quirks, bass, bells, and top shelf samples all around to ensure authenticity in each beat! And you can import your own sounds easily.

DubTurbo Review – The Things I Like About Dub Turbo

  • Dub Turbo has been created for people who love music, who love creating and experimenting with music. And it doesn`t matter if you are a total beginner with no experience what so ever or if you are a professional DJ with years of experience.
  • Once you have mastered Dub Turbo, you can creat beats very quickly with your PC or laptop and burn the beats you created to a CD.
  • You will save a lot of money that you normally would have spent on expensive studio time and various ecquipment, especially if you are a beginner.
  • You can create your own cool beats, because Dub Turbo uses uncompressed 44.1 Stereo samples.
  • The quality of the end-product is of really high quality.
  • Dub Turbo has everything in place and it is really an automated music machine. So the only thing you need to do, is use your creative mind.
  • Dub turbo is legit and it has been around for a while. It also has a money back guarantee and it is backed up by Clickbank. So you can try for a couple of months and if you are not happy, you can get your money back.
  • If you have any questions, you can get them answered very quickly. The support system is fantastic and very friendly.

DubTurbo Review – The Drawbacks Of Dub Turbo

  • The video tutorials are really great, but they can be a bit long, especially if you are not a beginner anymore. And you need to have patience to watch all the videos and tutorials to learn about the software. I have no problem with that, but some people tend to be a bit impatient.
  • The beats don`t generate themselves and it is your imagination that creates these beats. So if you haven`t got a creative mind, then it is veryhard to create high quality music. You certainly need talent and skills to make this sfotware work.

DubTurbo Review - Dub Turbo Conclusion

I’ve learned a lot in the last 6 months and this has allowed me to finally start using some of the more complex software & hardware, but amazingly Dubturbo is still my “goto” beat maker!!
I still make almost all of my beats in Dubturbo and can’t really see this changing any time soon. It really allows me to just relax and be creative, to let my ideas flow and to get my beats down as soon as I think them up.
So if you’re a new producer who values creativity and imagination, and you want to get your musical ideas down quickly and easily. Trust me, there’s no other beat making software I would recommend higher.



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